Confusion of "Malay" and "Islam"


I just noticed that I stopped blogging since May 2016. I am truly sorry for that. After I finished my Master, I was focusing on work and I did not have wifi access at where I was staying. 

Now I just moved to a new place (Yes, I hijrah all the time). Will probably settle down here for 4 years until I complete my study. insyaAllah. I just finished setting up my working space and the internet. So hopefully, I will start blogging again insyaAllah. 

My humble desk.. Planning to get a shelf next week for the books.

Enough for the current-life-update, I have some stories/experiences to share. I think a lot of the reverted sisters had been through this kind of experience. I find that Chinese people had a lot of misconceptions towards Islam and Malay. Not trying to be racist but normally (that I came across) Chinese tend to mix up Malay and Islam as the same thing. 

For example, people will ask am I "converted" to Islam? I said yes. They replied, "So, you are now a Malay?" or "Why do you want to become a Malay?". 

First of all, Malay is a race and Islam is a religion. If you are a Chinese-Christian, it won't make you a Mat Salleh (Westerners), you will still be a Chinese. Suddenly remembered when I was 13 (Form 1), during English Oral test, my teacher asked me what is the difference of "Hindu" and "Indian". I got it right but I did notice some of my friends does not know the difference. My point is race is something you can't change while religion is a belief. You can't change your heritage, you born a Chinese, you die a Chinese cause it is in your gene. 

I am a Chinese and Islam is my religion.

Next scenario, a Chinese lady found out that I am a Chinese revert Muslimah. She asked, "Why do you want to wear tudung (headscarf)? No need to wear also can right? A lot of Malay also not wearing tudung."

I sometimes do not know how to answer such question without sounding too radical. Again, a majority of the Malays in Malaysia are Muslims but they (any Muslim/Muslimah in general) do not entirely represent what Islam is. 

For your information, covering up (hijab) is compulsory for Muslims. For those who chose not to follow the rules are between them and God. 

Some might say that Islam is oppressing the freedom. I personally enjoy wearing the headscarf and loose outfit. I embrace the beauty of modesty. It is my free will to choose to cover up myself with a modest outfit. 

One last scenario is that some people thought that I reverted because I am married to a Malay. Then they assume that I still consume pork, alcohol and all other non-halal stuff. 

Yes, I know that some people they knew did that, who made their declaration but did not practice the teachings. (P/S: Of course we should advise/guide our newly revert brothers and sisters gently but not condemning or judging them.) In the end, if they chose not to follow, that is between them and Allah SWT.

In my case, I fully devote myself to Islam and practice the teachings. I am still on the path of learning to become a better Muslimah. InsyaAllah.

So these are some situation that I had gone through. I am not mad when people misunderstood but I do hope to have the chance to explain to them. May Allah SWT grant them Hidayah one day. Amin. 

Thank you for sparing your time to read my blog. I apologize if I offended anyone unintentionally. May Allah SWT ease you throughout your day. Amin.


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